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Getting an overview of your topic
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Whenever you are doing an assignment and are researching over a period of time, you need three things:
Inquiry log
Use the Online Referencing Generator in Canvas Library to record your sources. Copy and paste the list generated into a Word document, which is your Inquiry log.
Inquiry journal
Inquiry chart
Some of you will be making a mind map or inquiry chart when you've finished your research.
Topic in development: Was Edward VIII a traitor?
Finding more complex sources, including journal articles.
You are probably going to need to find some primary sources and some journal articles.
When it is time to create your bibliography (not the night before the assessment is due!), use the record you've kept in your log of sources to transfer them to the Online Referencing Generator. Copy and paste the list generated into a Word document, put the references into alphabetical order, and make sure they are consistently presented. You will need to add footnotes to your essay as well. See the guide below, as well as another link to the Online Referencing Generator. There are some videos to fill you in more about why you have to reference, and how to do it effectively.
This is a guide from the State Library NSW on researching effectively.